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Stories from entrepreneurs


Entrepreneurs have fascinating, dynamic stories. They are all different. What is similar is their Entrepreneur Factor. Their "E-Factor." Experience their candid stories with us.

Stephanie Wise on why Voting is so important

July 26, 2024

"You operate best when you are operating in your best role."

-Stephanie Wise

Primaries are so important.  It is the best time to share your voice and support for the change you wish to see in Government.

Stephabie Wise is running for Sedgwick County Commission.

She is a Business Woman. She is a mother.  She is a Leader in her Church and in her community.  She has the courage to Lead at a critical time in her life and in our lives.

She has a collaborative appraoch to solving problems and that is our best way to solve problems and move forward.







Michael Raanan, President Landmark Tax Group "The IRS Guy"

July 22, 2024

"In order to have Freedom-- Personal Freedom-- you need Financial Freedom."                              -Michael Raanan, President Landmark Tax Group

Finding out what you are doing wrong is often the best way to get your life moving in the right direction.  IRS Agent turned Entrepreneur, Michael Raanan, was intentional about his professional develoment as a young man. He knew he wanted to be an Entrepreneur.  

A weakly formulated plan along with action is far better than great plans with no action.  Making the investment in yourself early in life is the most important thing to do, however, most of us do not posess the awarness to make that commitment.

Michael went to College, invested in higher education and then took the next 8 years of his life to further his education while getting paid to do so.  He went to work for the Internal Revenue Service.  He asked a lot of questions.  He studied tax laws.  He became a professional.   We used to call this an Apprenticeship.  Entreprenuers often miss this opportunity.  

Apprenticeship is "paid training" and it can help you become an expert.  As an expert Michael delivers results for people because, as he states "our only existance as an Entrepreneur is to serve the Customer." 




Clay Shively, Elite Runner, Elite Human Being with Coach Randy Mijares

July 16, 2024

"We are running for something bigger than ourselves." -Clay Shively

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence, talent will not…" It’s also important to be coachable.

Clay Shively discovered running as a freshman in high school. Most elite athletes begin working on their sport early in their life. That is why they excel-- they have thousands of hours of training. Clay Shively had a hidden talent to be an elite runner, and it took coaching and being coachable to reach his elite status.  This is an extremely demanding sport.  Clay does the work.

In 2023, as a Junior, Shively broke a 58-year-old Kansas indoor mile record held by Jim Ryun.  Clay has competed and won races against elite national and college talent while still in high school. And he hasn’t even begun to reach his potential.

Clay will be running for the Lumberjacks at Northern Arizona University (one of the top programs in the country) in the fall of 2024.  His principled belief, his discipline, his heart and his joyful attitude make this elite athlete so much fun to know and to cheer for. Coach Randy Mijares is "judicious with athletes" and his leadership paired with Clay's remarkable ability, gives this elite runner the chance to race to the top.

And he is improving every day.



Elsewhere Music Fest & Conference with Midtopia Co-Founders Chase Koch, Jessie & Adam Hartke

July 8, 2024

"We finally unlocked the potential of the Wichita music ecosystem. People in our community felt support and when they feel supported they grow." - Jessie Hartke

"I've never seen a ball of Energy like that. I just want to thank Wichita" - Chase Koch

"Social Change, you can say it or you can see it in action." - Adam Hartke

The Elsewhere Music Fest exploded in Wichita, Kansas in late June, seemingly out of nowhere. From nowhere, Midtopia co-founders Chase Koch, Adam & Jessie Hartke created Elsewhere. It was a celebration of individual human creativity and potential. With the largest number of local musicians and artists coming together to put on a show for the rest of the world to see, Elsewhere Fest, as Chase put it, "Is not just about the music and the art. It was a Movement.  And movements start from the bottom up." 

Adam and Jessie Hartke have worked and inspired the music scene in Wichita for nearly 20 years. Elsewhere Fest proves what can happen when you perservere and when you ask others to participate in a great idea.

The music and art inspired change-- a social change that each individual could feel and take action on so that our lives can collaboratively improve. It was a star studded lineup, (Steve Aoki, Lane 8, Killer Mike, Sultan+Shepard, BadBadNotGood, Massane...) and we all felt unified with a freedom to express the best of who we are. And as Killer Mike proclaimed, "This is one of the smartest and most socially conscious festivals I’ve ever been a part of." 

This is the power of Elsewhere.





Clint Stevens, CyberLab Director, Knowmadics Inc.

July 1, 2024

"If an adversary gains this type of information, what are they going to do with it?" -Clint Stevens

With over 23 years of dedicated service in military intelligence, Clint offers a wealth of expertise in cybersecurity gained through extensive experience and practical on-the-job training. Emphasizing the power of experiential learning, Clint believes that we learn most effectively by actively engaging in tasks. In the face of unfamiliar challenges or threats, his motto is simple: adapt and overcome.

Knowmadics chose Wichita Kansas, because of our unique capabilities and the resources in our community. Cyber security and cyber threats are not declining. In fact, they are expanding as we continue to rely on space as the next frontier of communication and exchange of information. It brings with it a vast and diverse network of potential threats to National Security, business and culture.

Clint has a logical mindset for tackling cyber security challenges. Logical thinking is valuable when it comes to experimenting and developing effective strategies to combat cyber threats. By leveraging his abilities in his cyber lab, Clint and his Team work to stay ahead of emerging threats, test new security measures, and develop innovative solutions to protect against potential cyber attacks. 




D'Aydrian Harding Stay Sober Summer Tour,

June 24, 2024

"I try to have Fun with every. single thing I do." -D'Aydrian Harding

D’Aydrian Harding does have fun in everything he does and it’s on full display in his videos on YouTube. With over 3 million subscribers on the YouTube platform, 10 million subscribers on TikTok and millions more across othe Social Media platforms, he has captured the attention of America. His message, Stay Sober. His merch is incredibly positive and it’s also incredibly popular.

"Stay sober, you idiot" what a great way to get the attention of the youth. 

He is incredibly thoughtful. He has high emotional intelligence and he cares deeply about his fans. Make sure you catch him this summer on his Stay Sober Summer Tour all across the United States of America.  

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Chase Koch, Co-Founder Elsewhere Music Fest & Conference

June 17, 2024

"We believe in the power of music to unify people." -- Chase Koch

Elsewhere Music Festival & Conference is here in Wichita, USA.

Entrepreneurs, Artists, the business community and non-profits have collaborated for Social Change through action.  Removing barriers for Artists so they can reach their full potential-- this is a festival celebrating the unification of people so we can all work to reach our full potential.  Chase and his Co-Founders Adam & Jessie Hartke are intentional about bringing local acts as well as National and International artists for our community to embrace at the Elsewhere Fest.

Visual Artists who have beautified our city with colorful, meaningful murals will contribute to the aesthetic of Elsewhere Fest. In life and in people, when we have an aligned vision we can accomplish beautiful outcomes. Let's experience the Elsewhere Music Festival.



Wayne Bell District Director, Small Business Administration

June 7, 2024

"In this community... you really are one phone call away from an opportunity." -Wayne Bell, District Director SBA

Entrepreneurs need to know and understand the resources they have available to them so they can continue to deliver greater value for their customers.  The SBA has an enormous amount of resources.  When an Institution has so much to offer constituents, it can be overwheling.  This is why Wayne Bell and his team at the SBA are so important to know.  

Build your team and create a relationship with people.  The tools the SBA has need navigating and Wayne has spent the last 16 years helping businesses-- giving them a greater chance to succeed.  

I am grateful to know Wayne Bell.  His honest and humble Leadership continues to inform business and entrepreneurship in our community. 



Samantha Lucciarini, Entrepreneur/Publisher Real Producers Wichita

June 3, 2024

"I have had to get so comfortable with being uncomfortable... keep risking, because its worth it." -- Samantha Lucciarini

When you find what you love, what you are good at and it brings you success, it doesn't mean that you will not face a tough road.  This is the journey of the Entrepreneur.  

Knocked down? Get up.

Samamtha found her love when she found Real Producers, a real estate magazine that celebrates the best of the industry.  And she clebrates them, "loves on them" as she joyfully says.  She is at her best when she is doing that. 

Its not easy to be successful.  It is even harder to stay successful.  Staying there is the measure of the human being.  Samantha measures up.  Knocked down.  Got up.  And she is better now than ever. That means her Customers, her Clients, her beloved Real Estate community will flourish as she works hard for them every day.   

She is a success story and she is going to stay there.  Life is "beautiful when your mindset is great." 



Golf with Corey Novascone, 14x State Champ Coach, FirstTee Program Director

May 27, 2024

"When you Play, Play for something." - Corey Novascone

Congratulations to Coach Novascone and his boys of Kapaun Mt. Carmel on a 2024 Team State Championship and to Asher Whitaker, 2024 Individual Champion.

Golf is a remarkable game.  So many of us play it, or try to, and very few are excellent at it.  No one beats it.  It is a game of honor, respect and individual accountability.  These are principles that allow all of us to Live and Lead in life.  

Coach Corey Novascone declares, "Golf has given me everything." And he, in turn, gives back to golf through Coaching and Leadership.  

The First Tee program is the definition of Leadership in Life through its programs that offer development to Youth.  It is successful.  The First Tee has positively affected thousands of kids.  

Golf is a great game.  Find a way to make it part of your life. 

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About Us


Brandon Paulseen

Brandon Paulseen


Brandon has been working with entrepreneurs his entire professional career. An entrepreneur is not easily defined. They come from any background. Their path to success develops outside of traditional paradigms. This is why their stories are so intriguing. This is why we are all fascinated by their stories. what is consistent with all entrepreneurs is the unshakable belief in their desired goal and the will to just get it done.